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Ann Rutherford Approves of The Secret of the Belles

Yesterday I had the good fortune to talk with Ann Rutherford by phone. Ann told me that she really enjoyed reading The Secret of the Belles and said that she was very happy that I had written a book directed at teen readers.

"I want young people involved Read More 
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Red Carpet Vintage Car Parade

We had such a wonderful time during the outstanding "70 Years of Gone With the Wind: A Re-Premiere" event in charming Marietta, GA, on November 13-15. From the actors and authors Q&A to the book signings to the Belles & Beaus Costume Ball - and all culminating in the vintage car parade that brought us to the red carpet at Read More 
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Read all about it! The Re-Premiere

Connie Sutherland, executive director of the Marietta Gone With the Wind Museum, has posted details about “70 Years of Gone With the Wind: A Re-Premiere," to be held in Marietta, Georgia, on November 13 and 14. Details here:  Read More 
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